First-time filmmaker Kevin Van Sulitas said he noticed that there weren't a lot of films that tackle online classes and remote learning, so he decided to make one. Sulitas considers his short film "My Day," shot entirely in Escalante, Negros Occidental, an important project because "it reflects what's actually happening in the provinces. We want to make the DepEd (Department of Education) and CHEd (Commission on Higher Education) realize that these children also have a life other than being a student, that there are a lot of fake news going around about the so-called success of online classes in the provinces." Sulitas further explained: "Internet access, finances, domestic pro...
Keep on reading: Remote learning, trans woman, liminality among topics of filmmakers’ COVID-19 diaries
Keep on reading: Remote learning, trans woman, liminality among topics of filmmakers’ COVID-19 diaries
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