Actress Dimples Romana, who gave birth to her third child on Friday, said she has no plan of taking a break from show business once the baby arrives. "Even though I want to encourage working moms like me to take a long break after giving birth, I would be lying to you if I told you I'd do just that. My body and mind just don't seem to want to entertain the idea of resting," Dimples told reporters during a virtual launch organized by the private drugstore chain Generika, which got the actress as the new face of its "Ginhawa Generika" campaign. Inquirer Entertainment went to press with this article shortly before Dimples gave birth. "We have a lot of financial responsibilities...
Keep on reading: Dimples Romana willing to do ‘one of the most excruciating sacrifices’ for her children
Keep on reading: Dimples Romana willing to do ‘one of the most excruciating sacrifices’ for her children
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