Internationally acclaimed actress Jaclyn Jose’s tips on how to do a sexy scene

Before becoming the multiawarded and Cannes-winning actress she is now, Jaclyn Jose started out her career in the mid-1980s, doing sexy movies, like "Private Show" and "White Slavery." Does she have any advice for Cloe Barretto, her costar in her upcoming movie "Tahan," or other show biz hopefuls following a similar career path? "When you're doing a sexy film or scene, just do it right the first time, so there will be no more second, third takes. The more takes you require, the longer you get exposed. So as much as possible, do one good take. You have to do it anyway so might as well commit to it. Kaysa naman paulit-ulit. That's what I used to do in the past," Jaclyn related in...

Keep on reading: Internationally acclaimed actress Jaclyn Jose’s tips on how to do a sexy scene


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