Jodi Sta. Maria as a mom: I know when to step back

  Since it's Mother's Day, we asked Jodi Sta. Maria what she learned from her mom that's helping her raise her teenage son, Thirdy Lacson. "My mother has always been so patient with me," she shared. "Her patience has always been rooted in love because she loves me so much. But when I was a teenager, I did some things that drove her crazy... na parang, 'Ano ba 'to?' I hope she didn't regret having me as a daughter (laughs)---just kidding! "But the kind of love and grace that was extended to me by my mom is the kind of love and grace that I give to my son because he's now a teenager. The stage he's at is different now... You can't tell him to do this or do that. He's real...

Keep on reading: Jodi Sta. Maria as a mom: I know when to step back


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