Maiqui Pineda bares lung disease caused by autoimmune illness, learns ‘how to breathe again’

Maiqui Pineda, fiance of TV host Robi Domingo, has been undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation program to help her learn "how to breathe again," after she developed a lung disease caused by her rare autoimmune illness. Pineda disclosed that she has been diagnosed with some form of interstitial lung disease (ILD) which, according to Mayo Clinic, causes "progressive scarring of lung tissue" that "eventually affects [one's] ability to breathe and get enough oxygen into [the] bloodstream." "Did you ever realize that we were never taught how to breathe? We all just came out of our mothers' wombs and we just knew. So it was surreal for me that I had to enter a program that was teaching ...

Keep on reading: Maiqui Pineda bares lung disease caused by autoimmune illness, learns ‘how to breathe again’


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